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Astrology, a vedic science, has been a guiding force to the mankind since its inception. Its basic aim is to help people lead a better life.


When I started Astro Intelligence, my sole aim was to bring the actual Vedic knowledge back to the people. Actually, astrology had been a science (a vedaang, i.e. part of Vedas) given by Rishis of the Vedic era. But off late, this sacred science has been distorted, twisted and corrupted, and used as a tool to spread fear among the people, which led to the death of the soul of Astrology

years of


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our services

We provide best astrology services with more than 35 years of experience.

Birth Chart Analysis

Get your birth chart based on your birth date

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Birth Time Rectification

Analyse your Birth Time Rectification

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Horoscope Matching

Horoscope matching for marriage/business partnership

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Astrology Courses

Join our courses to learn astrology

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